The Title IX Office is an important part of Yale’s efforts to foster an environment of respect and belonging. The Title IX Office is a resource for the entire Yale community. The Title IX Office consults with members of the community about their concerns and questions related to sex- and gender-based discrimination. This includes sexual misconduct, as well as discrimination or harassment on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, non-conformance with gender stereotypes, and parenting or pregnancy status.
The Office seeks to both prevent and respond to sex- and gender-based discrimination by offering services such as providing prevention and education opportunities, sharing information about resources, coordinating supportive measures, and tracking and reporting patterns and trends. The Title IX Office also works with pregnant and parenting individuals to provide needed accommodations and to respond to instances of discrimination.
The Title IX Office works closely with campus partners including Deputy Title IX Coordinators from across campus, the SHARE Center, the University Wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct (UWC), the Yale Police Department, the Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility (OIEA), Discrmination and Harassment Resource Coordinators (DHRC), Office of LGBTQ Resources, and the Office of Gender and Campus Culture (OGCC).